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Protect what you've worked hard to earn and rest easy knowing that your assets will be distributed and managed in the way that you planned.


A safeguard, protecting you from the problems and issues you cannot see or predict.  Institutional knowledge of working daily in the industry and a pulse of the local and state laws.

Honest Fees

Affordable fixed fees with no hidden or upfront costs.


A comprehensive estate plan might include various types of trusts, wills, and life insurance.  We can discern the right one for you. 

Efficient & Convenient

Quick turnaround with practical legal advice that's straightforward and easy to understand.



  • To have a choice as to who receives your assets. 
  • To build a testamentary trust for beneficiaries that are minors.
  • To prepare directions for who you want raising your kids when you pass. 
  • To avoid unnecessary trouble and stress for your loved ones. 

Arranging your property and assets can be a complicated and stressful process for everyone involved. Trust our Estate Attorneys to deliver sound legal advice and a peace of mind that your property will be dealt with safely and securely.

  • Your Will
  • Enduring Power of Attorney
  • Testamentary Trusts
  • Contesting a Will
  • Business Succession Planning
  • Healthcare Power of Attorney
  • Advance Care Directive (Appointment of Enduring Guardian)
  • Intra-family loan agreements
  • Probate (Managing a Deceased Estate)

Is an Estate Lawyer really necessary to write my will?

There's more to estate planning than writing a Will. It includes the constitution and management of all your assets during your life in the event of death or disability. We can help protect your estate and help you navigate through complex laws and regulations to

 ensure that your plans will actually work.

Whatever the size of your assets, you owe it to your family to have your affairs in good order. Every adult should have a will. And having worked hard to acquire your wealth and influence, meticulous planning is necessary to transfer these assets to succeeding generations and bypass potential legal challenges made against your will. The state has legislation in place in the case that you do not have a will. However, you do not want your estate to be governed by intestacy rules because the results are highly unlikely to be in your family's favor. Our team can help clearly state your wishes and plans for the distribution of all your property, so that your loved ones will inherit what's granted to them.

We offer an affordable service that will help avoid costly legal fees from disputes that may arise after your passing. Our customer centric focus will give you the time and space to carefully consider your needs and wishes as we prepare your living will and testament. Our team offer compassionate and professional legal advice to assist you in creating, changing, or challenging a written will. ​Allow us to take the stress away from writing a Will and we will ensure your estate is passed on as you intended and your family's future is secured as planned. Additionally, we will also take measures to minimize the impact of tax on your beneficiaries. ​ 

 A comprehensive and tailored service that goes above and beyond

Help you organize your estate to avoid unnecessary delay, paperwork, government intervention, and court applications.

Educate you on the benefits and liabilities or naming certain individuals over others.

Inform you of situations that may result in taxation and liabilities that can be avoided. 

Provide you with ways to avoid unnecessary bond requirements.

Advise you in making decisions to prevent your Will to be challenged or litigated in court

Guide you through a capacity assessment to present evidence of your ability to create the Will.

Draft your Will in a way where you do not have to adjust it to every new life circumstance (i.e. birth of another child)

Assist you with filing for the new Medicaid application correctly, in order to cover costs of long-term care and avoid costly consequences.

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